Have you listened to Tiffany Hall’s Ted Talk?
If you have had a baby, it is a must.
The Australian fitness guru shares a powerful message about embracing your postpartum body and describe how she decided to put herself, her body and baby first before trying to ‘bounce back’ after pregnancy.
The dynamics of pregnancy are complex- weight gain, difficulty exercising, changing hormones, pressure from others, morning sickness (that cn lasts all day) and changing food cravings can mean it a challenging time in a women’s life, physically and emotionally.
New mums are the most vulnerable in our community. Battling sleep deprivation, social isolation and nurturing the life of another, already carries along a certain set of pressure. But many look for weight loss a way to ‘claim back’ and cope with so much change.
Tiffany’s message could not be more powerful. She chose to focus on the miracle of life and how remarkable her body actually is. She chose to focus on fit rather than weight loss. She stresses the importance of self love as a daily practise through healthy eating, positive self talk and taking things slow.
She chose to bounce forward by becoming stronger and more powerful than ever before.
What does healthy weight gain look like during pregnancy?
One powerful fact I have learnt over my time training pregnant clients is that it takes a lot to grow a baby! Many women are surprised to learn the recommended wight gain needed to grow a baby.
The recommended weight gain for pregnancy is a around 11.5-16kg. However, what is ideal is ultimately based largely in the individual’s pre pregnancy weight. If a client is underweight when entering pregnancy, her recommended weight gain will be higher and the reverse is true for someone who is overweight.
Third Trimester Breakdown
While the baby might weight around 3-4kg at birth, the breakdown of the other maternal totals might add an extra 4-5kg. The breakdown is as follows: extra blood volume 1.5kg, extracellular fluid 1.5kg, breast tissue 0.5kg, uterus 1.0kg, amniotic fluid 3.4kg and placenta 0.6kg.
The Fourth Trimester
Women should be proud of their postpartums bodies. Every curve, piece of loose skin, stretch marks and stitch is a symbol of the incredible journey you have been on to grow a human. Refuse to accept societal pressure to ‘have it all together’.
How to Bounce Forward
Reflecting on Tiff’s words and proven strategies, here are some amazing ways you can bounce forward after having a baby.
Have you heard about our 23W Mums on the Move Program? WOuld you like more info? Contact Ange at hello@23w.com.au
Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.
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