10 Minute Conditioning Finishers That Will Cap Off Your Workout

By Ange

To develop a strong, lean and rocking physique, the 23W method is based solidly around strength training being at the heart of our program design.

This is not to say that we do not include conditioning into our signature strong sessions. At the end of a workout, I love adding a simple workout finisher; a 10 minute block that will get the girls heart rate up and have you leaving the gym in a sweaty mess.

Why only 10 minutes? I find that this duration in golden because it is motivationally short enough to push hard and with anything longer, you will start to see a dramatic decrease in intensity.

Here a few of our favourite combinations of exercises that we will be rolling out over the coming weeks. Requiring minimal equipment, the only prerequisite on these finishers are hard work and determination to leave nothing in the tank.

#1 The Showers Street Dash (100m approx.)
5 repetitions involving 100m sprint and walk back recovery. This is a super simple conditioning drill that can be done anywhere with enough room.

#2  10 Clapping Push Ups (incline if needed)/ 20 meter sprint 

Complete 10 push ups with a clap, making them more dynamic than the regular variety and a quick 20 meter sprint out and back. Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.

#3 15 Tuck Jumps/ 15 Sit ups x 10
Perform 15 tuck jumps followed immediately by 15 situps and repeat ten times.
Make sure you are getting your knees up high to your chest on the tuck jumps. Your aim to complete this as fast as you can, if your time exceeds 10 minutes, make a note of the number of rounds and aim to bring your time down.

#4 “Ladder 13” Kettlebell Swing/ Burpee 
Swing a moderately weighted Kettlebell 13 times and the immediately perform 13 burpees. Repeat this process with each number from 13 down to 1. Record your time and come back and smash it next time.

#5 30 Seconds On/Off: High Knees/ Situps
This one requires very little space. Set a clock to beep at 30 second intervals, and alternate between high knees (running in place while pumping your knees high) and sit-ups, performing 30 seconds of each with no break in between, transition from one movement to the other as rapidly as possible. Complete 10 rounds (10 minutes).

#6 50 Burpees
This is not highly inventive, but it is highly effective.
If you can’t make 50 in the ten-minute window, record your reps and come back and beat them next time.

#7 50m sprint/ 25 Tuck Jumps/ 20m Bear Crawl x 6
This is a great one to do as a warm up or finisher, combining an inside and outside space (like 23W). Begin with an all out sprint 25m out and back, bang out 25 tuck jumps, making sure you’re bringing your knees up towards your chest as high as you can and then get down a crawl 10m out and back. Repeat by 6 rounds. Set a timer for this to be completed in 10 minutes.

#8 5 Pushups, 5 Hanging Leg Raise Max Sets in 7 minutes
This one is an awesome upper body finisher. Complete 5 pushups before jumping on to the bar. Ensure that there is no swinging in the upper body as you bring your knees high up into your chest 5 times. Drop down from the bar and repeat the process. That completes one set. Knock out as many sets as you can in 7 minutes

#9 5 Burpees/ 10 Push ups x 10
This is a really simple finisher. Do five burpees then ten pushups (one set) ten times. Record your time, set yourself a 10 minute time limit and if needed cut back on number of sets to build your stamina.

#10 25 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge/ 25 Tuck Jumps x 4
I love overhead lunges. They target your core like nothing else. Use a heavy dumbbell (or kettlebell) overhead with one arm. Complete 25 walking lunge steps, counting each step as one, set the dumbbell down, and bust out 25 good tuck jumps. Bring your knees high to your chest on each rep and stay as upright as possible. Pick up the dumbbell in the hand opposite the one you used for the first set and do the same. Switch hands two more times for a total of 4 sets.


If you enjoyed this list of finishers, let us know! Be sure to tag us in @melbournefitnessdiaries on IG.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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