Winners Announced: 2021 Summer Challenge

By Ange

Our Summer 2021 Challenge has officially finished and we are excited to announce a new group of winners. 

Team Challenge

We love the team element of our challenges! It is a great way to encourage camaraderie and a little bit of friendly competition. This challenge we had three teams; Valkyries, Furies and Shield Maidens and the results were closer than ever. Throughout the challenge, challengers had the opportunity to earn team points through our training tally, weekly check ins, weekly challenges and more. 

  1. Valkyries- 785 points
  2. Furie- 779 points
  3. Shield Maidens- 724 points

Fat Loss 

Many women take part in our challenge because they have a specific weight loss goal in mind. We help to educate our members around no gimmick, proven methods of weight loss and ongoing habit formation. Collectively our Summer 2021 group lost over 100kg of body fat. We use an Inbody 570 scanner to accurately measure body composition at the start and end of the challenge. This can be an eye opening experience for many women who might feel frustrated by the lack of significant movement on the bathroom scales. It is possible to weigh the same at the start and end of a challenge and yet have a remarkable change in body composition due to the change in ratio between fat and muscle mass. 

Top Five:

  • Katherine Garnham- 6.6kg
  • Amy McDougall- 5.2kg
  • Chantelle Varvitsiotis- 4.8kg
  • Jade Seddon- 3.6kg
  • Romila Kulenthran- 3.5kg

Body Composition

We realised in our previous challenge that we needed to add in an additional category. Seeing a dramatic change in your body composition is not just achieve through the most fat loss. This category allows those who might start with less to loose to still be in the running to win a major prize. It is measured by the biggest change in body fat percentage. 

Top Five:

  • Amy McDougall- 4.2% decrease
  • Jade Seddon- 3.8% decrease
  • Jess Hoare- 3.8% decrease
  • Romila Kulenthran- 3.8% decrease
  • Susan McEwan- 3.7% decrease

Muscle Mass

Despite what many women are led to believe, gaining muscle is actually quite hard. You need to pay close attention to nutrition and protein intake, apply the right amount of training stimulus and ensure adequate recovery. Gaining muscle is always a very positive benefit of weight training as you are creating more metabolically active tissue, encouraging improve bone density and obviously able to lift more weight.  Collectively, the cohort gained 10kg of muscle mass across the 8 weeks. 

Top Five:

  • Alison Moxon- 1.6kg gained
  • Shirae Christie- 1.3 kg gained
  • Romila Kulenthran- 1.3kg gained
  • Susan McEwan- 900g gained


The 23W team would like to congratulate the 80 amazing ladies who took part in this team challenge.

Our next challenge will start 19th July, with enrolments opening mid-June. 

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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