23W Members Spotlight: Erin Nunan

23W Members Spotlight: Erin Nunan

23W Members Spotlight: Erin nunan

By Tarls

Meet our 2022 Upskill Challenge Runners Up!

Erin has been a member at 23W for a while now, and has been training for different goals over that time. From postpartum support, to post-surgery rehab, to really delving into her strength and body composition goals! 

With the focus on nutrition throughout this challenge, Erin achieved a massive body fat drop of 4.7kg, and gained 800g of muscle mass! 

Keep reading to hear about her journey throughout the challenge and with 23W. 

How long have you been working with 23W?

3 years

What got you started on this journey?

We are headed overseas this month and I wanted to be confident I could fit into the clothes I pack.

What was your initial goal?

Joining 23W: To find a place to enjoy exercise.
Winter 2022 Challenge: To fit back into my clothes!

What result did you achieve?

I dropped 4.7kg of body fat!

Definitely found a place and exercise style I love! It has been the perfect way for me to exercise. First as a postpartum mum, then as someone recovering from surgery, then as someone looking to get fit – I’ve reached my goal after this challenge.

How have you changed?

I find that when I am going to the gym regularly, it is easy to make the other changes I need to make – it becomes easier to make better food choices and it gives me more inspiration to come into the gym more often once I get on a roll.

What was your biggest challenge going through the process?

Finding the time to come into the gym. I hoped to come in 4 times a week but couldn’t make that work.

What were your biggest learnings?

I don’t need to eat as large a portion as I was prior to really thinking about food servings during the challenge. I can still be full and satisfied and eat what I enjoy, just combining working in the gym with choosing smaller portions has made all the difference.

How would you describe your journey?

Stop start… With my surgery, lock down, a husband who often works overseas – it’s taken me a while to find the sessions that suit me and actually be healthy enough to commit to trying to get stronger. Now I’ve found my rhythm, doing the challenge has been a wonderful thing to kick start me into healthier habits. For mental health and physical health, 23W really does give me what I needed!

What was it like working with the 23W and the other girls in the community?

The 23W girls are so supportive. I have felt like I belonged in the classes and that I could enjoy the exercises no matter my fitness level, the classes cater to all levels. The other girls in the community make exercise fun, lots of laughs amongst the hard work!

What’s next for you?

Keep trying to maintain a healthy eating / exercise balance. Try to keep the flow of coming into the gym at least 3 x week.

Anything else?

Thanks for the support as always, it’s been a real life changer finding 23W. This photo is of a pair of jeans I bought not long before the challenge, and how they fit now!



Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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