23W Members Spotlight: Laura Nix On Nailing Her First Chin Up and Getting Strong

23W Members Spotlight: Laura Nix On Nailing Her First Chin Up and Getting Strong


By Asha

Introducing Laura! 

Loz has been training with us for 6 months, jumping straight into an unlimited membership and has trained 100 times! She came to 23W with the primary goal to learn how to train efficiently to get STRONG. 

Check out Loz’s journey with us so far.

How long have you been working with 23W?

I started back in November 2022

What got you started on this journey?

I wanted a gym that had lots of variety in the timetable and was close to home. 

What was your biggest challenge at the start?

Adapting to doing more weight training and figuring out how much to lift!

What was your initial goal?

Eat more protein, lift heavier and increase my muscle mass.

What result did you achieve?

I increased my muscle by 1.1kg! and am eating ALOT more protein.

How have you changed?

I am feeling fitter and more motivated in knowing that small changes can happen over time.

What was your biggest challenge going through the process?

Keeping committed to getting protein in all my meals – I really had to be conscience of adding extra!

What were your biggest learnings?

Small change can take time but it is achievable with commitment and support. And that I need to make sure I factor in rest!

How would you describe your journey?

Just the beginning! This has been a positive reminder that goals are important in both the long term and short term and that it’s important to be kind to yourself!

What was it like working with the 23W and the other girls in the community?

Great, 23W is a wonderful, supportive community. Everyone is willing to help each other out and answer questions.

What’s next for you?

Keep increasing my weights and lifting heavier, keeping in a routine of having more protein. Keep challenging myself to do new things!

Anything else?

I have felt really supported at 23W to keep challenging myself. Thankyou for keeping me motivated, having a friendly face to train with and always having something fun on the training menu!




Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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