23W Members Spotlight: Natalie Jiricek

23W Members Spotlight: Natalie Jiricek

23W Members Spotlight: Natalie Jiricek

By Asha

Introducing Nat! 

Nat has been training with us for 2 and a half years and most recently won our Muscle Gainer Award for our 6-week challenge! Consistency pays off!

Check out Nat’s journey with us below!

How long have you been working with 23W?

2.5 years since November 2021.

What got you started on this journey?

I wanted to lift heavier weights and get stronger. I knew how important it was for me in this stage of my life to build strength as I get older.

What was your biggest challenge at the start?

Mastering technique so I didn’t get sore where I wasn’t supposed to! Getting up early! Not comparing myself to everyone who was lifting more than me.

What was your initial goal?

To increase my muscle mass.

What result did you achieve?

I increased my muscle by 1.4kg over 6 weeks!

How have you changed?

Feeling stronger and lifting heavier weights. I am lifting weights I never thought I could!

What was your biggest challenge going through the process?

Staying engaged for the full 6 weeks.

What were your biggest learnings?

Two sources of protein at each meal! I didn’t count macros as I find it too time consuming – but focusing on ensuring I have two protein sources at lunch and dinner went a long way.

How would you describe your journey?

I decided to keep it simple but I was very pleased with the result.

What was it like working with the 23W and the other girls in the community?

I love the community. I always feel uplifted and welcomed.

What’s next for you?

Keep chasing the gains 😁 also a focus on mobility.




Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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