23W Spotlight: Amba Freestone- Quality Over Quantity

By Ange

Meet Amba!

Amba joined the 23W community in May 2018 and while she had no problem finding motivation to train herself, she was struggling to find a system that would work.

Frustrated by her lack of progress, she sought us out.  As a vegetarian, Amba also struggled to understand how to adequately fuel her workouts while seeing changes in her body composition. Amba’s results are a classic example of quality over quantity, with a great emphasis on progressive overload and quality recovery and rest days away from training.

Amba worked one to one with our head coach, Ange once per week and followed an online program on 3-4 other days. With persistence, dedication and education, Amba has lost 4.8kg, 7.7cm around her waist and 5.2 cm around her hips. Using predominately strength training, Amba’s strength and lean muscle mass has helped her to become more toned and lean.

1. What was your health and fitness goal for 2018?

To do pull ups/ chin ups, get a 6pack and be my fittest and healthiest.

3.What achievement are you most proud of?

Achieving my goal of pull ups (with no resistance bands at last)

4. What have your learnt the most?
That you need to be consistent, crash diets do not work and it’s a marathon not a race!!

5. What do you enjoy the most about training with 23W?

The great community of women who raise each other up.

6. What is your biggest health and fitness tip (what works for you)?

Make your work outs non-negotiable, include exercise as part of your daily routine, even if it’s a walk or yoga… and be kind to yourself, talk to yourself as if you are your best friend. Negative talk and thoughts are a waste of energy…Love and appreciate the amazing woman that you are 💕.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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