23W Spotlight: Dani Foot

By Ange
Sometimes we sit and wait for the right time to make a change. But the truth is, there will never be the right time. For many women the uncertainty around what to eat and when, leeds to paralysis and overwhelm.
We could not be more prouder of one of our newest recruits, Danielle Foot. When Dani first arrived to the learn to lift seminar just holding a squat was challenging! She is now squatting, deadlifting and moving like a pro!
Take the time to read Dani’s story… it mind sound familiar #wecanrelate!
1. How long have you been part of the 23W community?
I started training at 23W at the beginning of February. I signed up to join the 8 week summer challenge.
2. What was your goal for the year?
I definitely wanted to loose weight and gain my self confidence back. But to do that I needed a total lifestyle change. I had a bad relationship with food and many unhealthy habits. My overall goal was to find a more balanced lifestyle and start being active again.
3.What are you most proud of?
I’m definitely proud of changing my habits around the food I eat at work. Being a chef around a deep fryer everyday has been tricky. I would find myself constantly snacking on chips all day. By the end of the day I could have eaten an entire bowl.. that equals 5 bowls a week! I stopped reaching for the chip bowl and started bringing my own food to work. I’m also proud of myself for continuous sticking to the healthy habits I created from the 8 week summer challenge.
4. What have your learnt the most?
I’ve learnt a lot about the macro nutrients of the foods I consume and prepare daily. I find it so interesting reading the back of labels and the calorie break downs. I found that I push myself harder and keep myself more accountable when I set myself goals and outline them clearly in my journal. But more importantly I learnt that it’s okay to have a ‘bad day’ and fall off the path, as long as you acknowledge what went wrong and how you can do 1% better the next day.
5.What do you enjoy the most about training with 23W?
Absolutely everything! All the women are so friendly and empowering. It’s awesome to be able to train hard and lift heavy weights all while having a chat and a laugh with the girls.
Ange also does a wonderful job of keeping me accountable!
6. What advice would you give other women who are thinking about joining us?
Don’t think twice! Just do it! Before joining 23W I had recently just moved to Melbourne to live with my partner. I didn’t have any friends down here, now after being apart of this community I have made friends that I believe will be a big part of my life.
7.What is your biggest health and fitness tip (what works for you)?
Staying consistent, even after a bad day.. don’t let it become a bad week. The biggest thing for me is my rest and sleep. When I go to bed late and then have to be up early I find it so easy to fall off track. I start snacking on junk, become lazy and lose motivation. I’ve set myself a bed time of 11pm, which some nights that’s hard as I work until 10.30pm but once I’m home it’s shower and straight to bed.

Would you like the opportunity to be coached like Dani? Don’t be shy! Get in touch!

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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