23W Spotlight: Phoebe!

By Ange
We are always so excited when 23W babes are brave enough to have their transformation stories go online and this client spotlight is nothing short of AMAZING.
We are so proud of what Phoebe has been able to achieve over such a short period of time. Managing a busy job involving night shifts and long hours on her feet, Phoebe made a commitment to herself to stop feeling uncomfortable and start feeling fabulous.
Take time to read through Phoebe’s incredible interview. We are sure so many women can relate to her honest words of wisdom.
Age: 28
What got your started on this journey?
I just felt yuck and unhealthy. I felt uncomfortable in my own clothes, I felt lethargic, lacking motivation, pretty flat really, boardering a state of depression to be honest.. I also felt like a big hypocrit. Working in healthcare advising people about healthy lifestyle and not practicing it. I hate hypocrits.
How long have you been with 23W?
4-5 months
What was your biggest challenge(s) at the start?
Changing habbits and showing up. I think I used shift work as an excuse for being tired, which was then an excuse to be lazy and sedentary. Its just a big load of bullocks. You can do a 12 hour shift and go to the gym. You can. It is possible, I’ve been doing it. And you can go to the gym when you have night shift and late/early shifts etc. They were all excuses. Plenty of people do it and now I’m one of them! Humans are built to move all day.
What was your goal?
My main goal was to feel better in general, improve my mental health and hopefully loose weight on the journey.
What do you consider your biggest achievement?
I feel AMAZING! I have more energy than ever! I feel tremendously better in terms of my mental health. I feel physically fit and stronger than ever. I feel bloody amazing! I’ve lost 10kg and 10cm.
How have you changed?
Well I’ve physically changed, 10cm around the waist and 10 kgs down. I’m happier, I reckon I’m more efficent at work. I’m stronger, I have more engergy, I have a whole new appreciation for strength training, I make healthy choices naturally, I feel like I gained about 3 hours in a day by just not being lazy. I’m more productive. I sleep better.
What were your biggest challenges going though the process?
Socialising, especially with people who aren’t on the same health page. Especially as a single person living alone. Socialising in our culture is heavily based around food and alcohol – I make sure I make time to see friends so I don’t isolate myself – this often means dinner or drinks- two things I was being particular about. But saying no to things like pasta night or coming after dinner or bringing my own dinner or offering to cook a healthy dinner or having a small serve and a salad on the side or whatever change I’d make- is what got me to this point. It’s hard though, because people can make you feel like you’re being ridiculous or over the top. But ironically you’re just making the healthy choice.
What were your learnings?
Women are freaking strong! The human body wants to be worked and pushed- your body thrives when you use it to its full capacity. I am so much stronger than I thought. I have muscles! I can grow more muscle! I have so much more self control than I though. Community and support are so important. You should always move.
Describe what it it like working with 23W?
I LOVE the community! It warms the cockles of my heart when a bunch of women are together encouraging each other and empowering each other. 23W is such a special place!! Ange and Asha are both unbelievably approachable and I’ve felt totally safe and welcomed at 23W. It can be so intimidating joining a new gym. Especially one that’s full of big racke weights when you’ve never ever handled a “bar” let alone a bar with weights on it. I felt nothing but supported and encouraged by the trainers and also the other gals. Also love the online community!
What is next for you?
Now I’m a bit fit and realised I have muscles – I have actual lifing goals. I want to feel stronger and continue to improve my all over health. I’d be happy if I drop a few more kgs but it’s not the priority.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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