Meet Jo Jackson- Welcome to the 23W Team

Meet Jo Jackson- Welcome to the 23W Team

As 23W begins to crank back up, we are excited to be adding more training times to our already amazing timetable. 

With more people working from home, many of our members are seizing the opportunity to train or get moving during their lunch break. In even more exciting news, this class is going to be led by the incredible Jo Jackson. 

Jo is a Level 2 certified instructor with the APMA and has been teaching Pilates since 2011… but best of all, she is a 23W member too!

Jo will be coming on board to run a lunchtime class and some MOM, pre/post natal pilates sessions in the future. 

What brought you to 23W? And how long have you been a member?
I started at 23W at the beginning of 2020 but wish I had found it earlier! It has such a fantastic community of like minded women and instructors that are authentic, knowledgeable and have a true passion for what they do.  

When you’re not working, or training like a demon how do you like to spend your time?

Always on my mountain bike, getting out in nature!

What are you reading currently?

Roar by Stacey Sims – an awesome book for female athletes

Where do you most hope to visit?

An extended trip to Italy – was cancelled due to Covid but we will get there one day!

If you could win an Olympic medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be?

Mountain Biking of course!

If you had to eat one thing for every meal going forward, what would you eat?

Haha…oats – it’s why I get out of bed! (and for coffee!)

For what are you most grateful today?

Warmer weather, being out of lockdown and being able to plan holidays again!




Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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