Awesome Performance Goals To Inspire Your Training

By Ange

With every passing year, you might find setting New Years resolutions a bit of a drag. This is possibly because the goals we set for ourselves are not realistic. And this is because most goals are not a destination, but rather a journey of behaviours.  At 23W, we love to encourage our members to make habit changes that are aligned with their values rather than what they think they ‘should’ do.

While setting body composition goals are no doubt alluring, setting inspiring performance goals can be a better motivating factor to find consistency in your training.

Do not get too greedy either. Pick on goal to work on at a time, this should be challenging to reach but not impossible. Secondly, it is important that you take time to map out how you will achieve this goal.

Pick a goal that can be achieved over the course of several months or even a year. A long-term mentality will help you see your goal as a lifestyle change, rather than quick fix, and you’ll be much more likely to adhere to it.

It is important to dedicate time towards this goals to make it your own. If you have a goal to do one unassisted chin up, you may need to practise components of this skill overtime you train.

Depending on your training history and timeline, browse through the following performance goals to set some kick-ass goals for yourself!

Perfomance Goals

Beginner (1-3 Months)

  • 10 or 20 Push Ups On Toes

  • Run 5km

  • 60 Second Plank

  • 60 Second Hang

  • Touch Toes Without Bending Knees

  • Perform Block Run In Under 3 Mins

Intermediate (3-12 Months)

  • 1, 3 Or 5 Pull Ups

  • Body Weight Barbell Back Squats

  • Deadlift Body Weight

  • 10 X Body Weight Dips

  • Perform Block Run In Under 2:30 Mins

  • Run 5km In Under 40 Minutes

  • Row 1km In Under 7 Minutes

  • 1 Min Wall Assisted Handstand

  • Perform 1 Double Under

Advanced (12+ Months)

  • 1- 3 Muscle Ups

  • 1RM Barbell Bench Press With 1 X Body Weight On Bar

  • 1RM Deadlift With 2 X Body Weight

  • 10 X Back Squats With 1 X Body Weight On Bar

  • 1 X Handstand Push Up

  • Perform Block Run In Under 2:00 Mins

  • 20 Double Unders In A Row

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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