Planning a healthy brunch for your loved ones, can be really exciting. From researching the recipes to the actual preparation, there is no better feeling than knowing the food on display is nourishing, wholesome, totally delicious and not going to bring someone’s whole week of conscious eating undone.
Does anyone else sit around the work place office and wonder how their office food culture effects their health and waist-line?
Since moving out of a school environment this year, I am literally blown away by how my diet has changed. I am no longer eating on the go. I find time to sit and just eat. Savoring each mouthful. But more importantly, my conscious healthy and clean eating patterns are less likely to be undone.
We have all been there before, you pre plan you food for the day, only to realise that there is a staff lunch or birthday and before you know it, you ‘accidentally’ grab a handful of this or that, which then opens the flood gates to completely giving up on the diet for the day and gorging on highly processed, energy dense and salt laden foods.
Everyone has the power to change the culture of a workplace and it starts with the foods you chose to bring in a share.
Some simple ideas include veggies and homemade dips, a seasonal fruit platter, fritata or healthy muffins.
What if you could make a chocolate cake that contained no gluten, dairy or refined sugars, but tasted like the real deal?
it will be dificult to stop at once slice.
Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.
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