Is your snack game STRONG? One of the most common trouble spots for my clients exists around finding healthy snacks that do not bring a healthy meal plan undone.
Recently a new client showed me a meal plan that was stepped out for her by another health professional and on paper it looked like a sound plan. However, for this client being able to eat 6 meals per day was not realistic.
She travels a lot to regional areas for work and struggles to meal prep at the best of time. This was a classic example of how a typical ‘body building diet’ was incorrectly prescribed to someone who could get amazing results from smaller tweaks to their diet.
Another common sticky area for most girls when they are looking to drop body fat is sacrificing sweet treats. This issue is often magnified if there is a lack of protein or fat in the diet and the feelings of denial around certain food groups. Finding a high protein snack that satisfies your sweet tooth can be the solution many girls are looking for.
Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer since it takes a while to digest and keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Unlike a high of carbohydrates, you won’t be tired and hungry again shortly after eating.
This high protein, high fibre Chocolate Chia Pudding is the perfect 3pm pick me up, breakfast or desert. Best of all, it takes no time to make, has around 20g of protein per serve (making it a fantastic vegetarian option) and lots of fibre to help keep your digest track healthy.
Serves 2
Nutritional Information: 255 calories, 10.2g Fat, 22.2g Carbohydrates, 23.6g Protein.
Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.
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