Meal PlanS

By Ange

Unfortunately weight loss is not as simple as ‘eating less and moving more.’ This approach has its pitfalls as we are constantly bombarded with cleaver food marketing and messages, which leads to confusion, temptation and finally an inability to adhere to a successful nutrition plan. 

Before linking your to a bunch of downloadable meal plans you can use remember that meals plans have their limitations. They are great ‘training wheels’ and are not designed to be used forever. 

In reality, success lies in your ability to think about what you’re already eating, and how you could make it a little bit better.

This means fiddling and adjusting.

Making small changes and improvements to what you already normally eat and enjoy, one small step at a time.

But we get it, you need an easy plan to follow, to help you find the right balance of macronutrients and know that you can eat delicious wholesome food and still loose weight. 

How to use our meal plans

Step 1: Review your suggested nutrition plan.

If you are taking part in our 8 week challenge, we will email your recommended individual nutrition protocols. This will contains a suggested calorie and macro (carbs, fats and protein) budget per day. Otherwise, if you are looking to build muscle mass you can use your BMR to estimate your total daily energy expenditure and set up your deficit as wither a zone 1-3 for fat loss. If you are planning to build, we recommend starting your calories at maintenance and then increasing these by 100-200 calories per week.

Step 2: We then recommend review the suggested meal plans below.

You will find that our meal plans provided are around 1550-1600 calories,
25-30% Fats, 40% Carbohydrates and 30-35% Protein.

Step 3: Consider how user friendly you consider this plan to be.

Consider how closely this plan matches up to your individualised targets. If you require less calories, consider changing snack options or reducing the portion sizes. If you require more calories, consider adding another snack or increasing the portion size.

Good luck!


Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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