Mindset - Nutrition

Body Composition


Ever felt confused or disillusioned by the fundamentals to see long-lasting changes to your body composition? Watch this seminar as we cover focus on practical and evidence-based approaches to nutrition and fitness.

This series covers

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No Bull SH*T

Nutrition Advice

Food is everything when it comes to succeeding in either dropping body fat or gaining muscle mass. It has the power to drastically impact the relationship you have with yourself and your self-confidence. Watch and download episode 1- 8 as we unpack foundations to success. You can download each article individually by clicking on the links to the right.

Episode 1

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Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4

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Episode 5

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Episode 6

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Episode 7

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Episode 8

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Power UP

Navigating Menopause with Science and Wellness

Approximately 1 in 3 women is in the menopausal transition or postmenopausal at any given time. Join us for this multiple part mini series that will explore the facts and science back data on what you can do to power through these years. Mini series coming soon.

This series covers


Understanding Nutrition

Contrary to what you’re constantly told in magazines and by the media, proper nutrition is more than just slamming down protein shakes, clean eating and filling up on supplements. This Nutrition mini series will teach you everything there is to know about fuelling your body with the nutrients it needs to maintain optimal health and how to manipulate your energy intake to match your goals.

This series covers

Episode 1

Play Video

Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4

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Episode 5

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Episode 6

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Episode 7

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Episode 8

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Episode 9

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Episode 10

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Episode 11

Play Video

Tough Love

Mindset Mini Series

Are you stuck in the same thought patterns and not moving any closer to your goals? This mini series is filled with messages of tough love you need to hear from your coaches to help you work through your reoccurring thoughts and feelings to shift your mindset and lead to more productive action!

This series covers

Episode 1

Play Video

Episode 2

Play Video

Episode 3

Play Video

Episode 4

Play Video

Episode 5

Play Video

Episode 6

Play Video

Emotional Eating

And Nutrition Habit Change

Are you stuck in the same thought patterns and not moving any closer to your goals? This mini series is filled with messages of tough love you need to hear from your coaches to help you work through your reoccurring thoughts and feelings to shift your mindset and lead to more productive action!

This series covers

Episode 1

Play Video

Episode 2

Play Video

Episode 3

Play Video

start with our

28 Reset Nutrition Guide

Our 28 Reset Nutrition Guide is designed to be the perfect way to reset your nutrition plan. er the use of meal plans. 23W advocates a balanced nutritional philosophy and prefers to teach our members a flexible dieting approach to weight loss over the use of meal plans. However, we all must start somewhere. Meal plans are great training wheels to learn fundamentals. Our 28 day reset program is based on the fundamental principles of eating nutritious wholesome, unprocessed and unrefined foods. This program is designed around the latest research around our gut microbiome and gut health. The goals of this program are to restore the gut lining, by using foods to restore your gut bacteria and create a knock-on impact on your weight, skin, mood and immune system.

This ebook includes:


Your Hormones

Have you ever stopped to consider how your hormones effect your health? Hormones play an important roles to regulate your body’s processes, like hunger, blood pressure, your cycle, and sexual desire. If you are trying to optimise your health, understanding your hormones is a great place to start.

This series covers

Episode 1

Play Video

Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4

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Episode 5

Play Video

The science of

Body Recomposition

Building a great physique is not just about weight loss. Body recomposition is the process of decreasing the proportion of body weight that is fat mass and increasing the proportion that is lean body mass.

This series covers

Episode 1

Play Video

Episode 2

Play Video

Episode 3

Play Video

your path to

Weightloss Mini Series

There is no magic pill to weight loss. This 5 part mini series is designed to help you stop dieting and get to the real reasons that might be holding you back and help you stop wasting your precious time and energy looking for the secret new solution.

This series covers

Episode 1

Play Video

Episode 2

Play Video

Episode 3

Play Video

Episode 4

Play Video

Episode 5

Play Video

Workout of the Day

Let the support of the 23W community power today’s workout! Be sure to post on our private Facebook page to let the team know what you enjoyed the most!

23 Minute HIIT Workout With Ange

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