Six Simple High Intensity Workouts

By Ange

We can all be a little shortchanged for time, making going to the actual gym hard.

And with Christmas holidays coming up, now is the time to save these easy to follow workouts to take away with you. Here are 6 super simple workouts that will take around 20-30 minutes to complete and will guarantee a great workout. Do not let time away from the gym undo your hard work, keep the body moving with these workouts instead.

Be sure to warm up properly before jumping in with some jogging or dynamic stretching first.

#1 HIIT: 30 Second Blaster

Complete each listed exercise for 30 seconds, as fast as possible. Rest for 2 minutes at the end of each round, before completing 2-3 times.

  • Burpee
  • Push-up
  • High Knee
  • Squat Jump
  • Moutnain Climber
  • Jump Lunge
  • Shuttle Sprint
  • Full Sit Up
  • 3 x Star Jump +1 Tuck Jump
  • Tricep Dip

#2 HIIT Sweaty Betty

Complete everything on the list below in order. You will be alternating between sprints and high rep body weight exercises, resulting in a metabolic workout that will get your sweat on.

  • 200m sprint
  • 40 x walking lunges
  • 40 x mountain climbers
  • 200m sprint
  • 40x skips
  • 40 x bicycle crunch
  • 200m sprint
  • 40 x lateral skater leap
  • 200m sprint
  • 40 x single leg hip raisers
  • 200m sprint
  • 20 chest to floor burpsee

#3 The Full Body Countdown

Complete 21 repetitions of every exercise on the list below, in order. Rest 1 min before going through the list and completing 17 reps, then 15, 12 and finally 8 reps. You will need to find a bar to perform incline/ inverted row.

  • Reverse Lunge to knee drive (right leg and then left leg)
  • Side plank hip dip (right then left side)
  • Sumo/pile squat on tippy toes
  • Regular squat
  • Row
  • Crunch

#4 45 Second Timer

Each set has two exercises and you will do each for 45 seconds as hard and as fast as you can with no rest between. After you have finished both exercises, you will rest for 45 seconds and repeat 3 times through.

Set 1

  • A. 10 x high knees + 1 x chest to ground burpee
  • B 6 mountain climbers +4 lunges jump + 2 squat

Set 2

  • A. Air Squat
  • B. Skip Rope

Set 3 

  • A. Jog
  • B. Sprint

#5 10/10

This workout has three supersets- upper body, lower body, core and cardio. For each superset, you will have three exercises and will do 10 reps of each of them. Once your 10 minutes is up, rest for a few minutes, then attack the next set. This program is able to be completed in the gym if you have access to equipment.

Upper Body Superset

  • A1. 10 x prone Cobra (or bent over row with DB)
  • A2. 10 x push up (or DB Bench Press)
  • A3. 10 x tricep dip (or cable tri extension)

Lower Body Superset

  • B1. 10 x slow squat (take 3 seconds on way down and 1 on way up)
  • B2. 10 x bench single leg hip extension
  • B3. 10 x lateral lunge (using body weight or dumbbells)

Core and Cardio Superset

  • C1 10 x crunch
  • C2. 10 x cross body mountain climber (slow)
  • C3. 10 x jump lunge

#6 100 to 10

Make you way through this list of high repetition exercises as fast as you can. Repeat as many times as you like.

  • 100 x skipping or high knees
  • 90 x air squat
  • 80 x mountain climbers
  • 70 x walking lunge
  • 60 x side plank hip dip
  • 50 x star jump
  • 40 x commandos
  • 30 x burpee
  • 20 x push ups (regular)
  • 10 tricep push ups (arms tucked in)

For more easy to follow workouts, check out and follow 23W on YouTube.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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