The Golden Macro Ratio For Weight Loss

By Ange

Flexible dieting and counting macros is a power strategy to help you be on the fastest path to strip off body fat as well as providing  a bullet proof long-term strategy.

What is the golden ratio?

Everyone is unique. While we like to start clients at a 40% carbohydrate, 30% Fat and 30 % protein intake, this might not work for everyone.

In this article we are going to unpack how you can determine your own unique macronutrient ratio that is most effective for you.

We start by looking at the constant part of the equation, protein. After we set protein targets, we then look at the two variables of  fats and carbohydrates to establish our preferred ratio.

Protein-How much is enough? How much is too much?

Many people are aware that a high protein diet is important for weight loss but what does this actually look like?

As with most things fitness, the exact number is dependent on the individual. If you’re sedentary you won’t need as much protein as someone who is engaged in a strength training program.

We recommend 1.5-2.0g of protein per kilogram of body weight for someone who is training regularly.  This usually comes out to between 20 and 35 percent of total weight loss calories.

If your intake falls in that range you’ll take advantage of the benefits protein provides – improved recovery, improved satiety, better muscle growth and preservation, and numerous more.

It is possible to over consume protein and experience negative side effects of a lack of the other nutrients that it is over-powering.

Fat Intake 

Fat intake is critical for fat loss. A diet should never go below 20-25% of your calories should be coming from fats. In actual fact if you are eating a balanced, whole food diet full of eggs, meat, fish, nuts, and seeds, you’re probably just fine with getting in your required essential fatty acids.

Fat intake plays an important role in improving thyroid function, increasing insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism and reduces hunger sensations due to the increase is saietity of food.

Calories from Carbs

No other macronutrient has caused more confusion than carbohydrates. It is crazy that entire diets exist on the basic of making this nutrient the enemy.

Carbs should NOT be feared. We need glucose to fuel brain function and to fuel performance. At this point, you should recognise you should use your activity levels as a gauge. If you have high needs for carbs (highly active), you are likely to use carbohydrates well.

If you overeat carbs relative to your needs you end up creating a metabolic environment that isn’t as conducive to fat loss. Insulin levels remain elevated and you have a harder time mobilizing fat stores.

How many carbs?

In my experience, most people do just fine with a carb intake between 30-50 percent of their total calories (about 100-300 grams), with the lower number set for those that are less active and higher numbers for those that do a lot of high intensity activity.

Carbs are not the limiting factor in weight loss, but they do influence it. You can gain weighty eating few carbs but over eating on total calories and further, you can lose weight on eating over 300g of carbs per day if you are in an energy deficit.

I do not recommend a diet below 100 grams of carbs per day to lose weight.

Your preferences

You should also balance your activity needs with your taste preferences. If you are more satiated eating fattier whole foods, then you’ll benefit from more fat and fewer carbs in your diet. The opposite would be true too.

Long-term Results 

Seeing results is dependent on long-term consistency. We have all been there before, we start a diet plan that we can never stick to long-term. Eating at the same time of the day and the same quantity of food throughout the week helps the body your body be in the best position to drop weight.


Your body stats, age, activity level, how much strength training you do, and the types of food you generally prefer all form an important part in helping to establish your macronutrient ratio. With the ultimate aim to develop out a nutrition protocol that will keep you satisfied, consistent, and adhering to your plan.

For more support on find you macronutrient ratio, get in touch with the 23W team or consider joining our tribe.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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