Your Daily Self Isolation Workouts

By Ange

With the forced closure of gyms last week, it would seem that every fitness professional is now an online trainer! And for good reason… not only do livelihoods depend on it, but most trainers want support and inspire their followers and clients to  emerge on the other side in good health, fitness and vitality!

Moving online through our StrongHer membership was an important step for 23W. It has helped us to re-invigorate and re-energise our community through the connection of shared workouts, seminars and regular communication. At times like this, community is needed more than ever.

Our at-home workouts prove that you do not need an elaborately fitted out gym to get a good workout. All of our at-home workouts require no specialised equipment-just a commitment to show up, work hard and a space to get moving. Our dedicated instructors lead several daily workouts in a variety of different program styles, from strength, HIIT, Yoga and Pilates with workouts ranging from 10-50 minutes in duration.

If you are looking for some inspiration to get moving we have develop a few super simple workouts for each day of the week.

To join us online, sign up on our website and request access to the ‘W Squad’ on Facebook.

Note: You may need to add a few rest days in between these workouts! Good luck!

Day 1- The 50

  • 50 Situps
  • 50 Mountain Climbers or Double-unders
  • 50 Situps
  • 50 Walk ing Lunges
  • 50 Situps
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Sit ups

Day 2- 7 Rounds- Bench required

  • 10 One Leg Box Squat (alternating)
  • 12 Dips
  • 15 decline push ups

Day 3- 3 Rounds- Skipping rope required

  • 200 Skips or 50 Double Unders
  • 50 Squats

Day 4- 21-15-9

  • Broad Jumps Burpees
  • Double Leg Lift

Day 5- The 100

  • 100 Sit Ups
  • 100 Fluter Kicks
  • 100 Double Leg Lift or Toes Taps

Day 6- 5 Rounds

  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Pullups
  • 20 Lunges
  • 200m run

Day 7- Pistols

  • 3 x 10 pistol squats on each leg (max depth)

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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