“You’re doing amazing!” Three words every new mum should hear!

By Ange

A woman’s body goes through significant physiological and psychological changes during pregnancy, and labor and delivery.

Returning back to exercise can be a daunting prospect, but it does not need to be. MFD is here to help women rehab and recover post-pregnancy and return to exercise safely and effectively. Before signing up with ANY gym there are some important questions you should ask first to make sure you are putting your health first.

1. How will intensity be monitored?

New mums are under a lot of pressure already. After carrying Bub around for the last 9 months, extra attention is needed on your pelvic floor and abdominal wall. The birthing process itself can create its own set of trauma as well as the consequent changes to body alignment that occurs during pregnancy. No doubt sleep deprivation and new found aches and pains are also presenting there own set of challenges. Training should always act to ENHANCE your quality of life. Make sure your trainer or coach understands your need to move, rehab, and strengthen, without draining you of your much needed energy.

2. Knowing that your goals are not weight loss

The primary focus of good postnatal fitness training is to help get your body functioning back to normal. If any trainer starts to talk about ‘weigh-loss’ or ‘pre-baby body’, you should head for the door. This is not to say that weight-loss will not be a secondary benefit of regular training, but training with MFD in our MOM’s program is all about self care and prioritising health first.

3. Neglecting to restore pelvic function

Every women regardless of their pregnancy, fitness levels, birth, etc, will  need to restore function to her core and pelvic floor. Going back to your previous workouts could do more harm than good, both in the short and long term. Take the time in the early phase postpartum to lay down solid foundations.Â

So what can I expect from MOM?

Each MOM class is designed around five pillars; pelvic floor, breathing, core strength, baseline strength and aerobic fitness. This is not 45 minutes of leisurely breathing exercises, nor is it a metabolically intense sweat sessions, with plyometrics, running or burpees.Â

MOM is a lovely blend of it all. Lead by a highly qualified and skilled trainer in a supportive, baby inclusive community.Â

Are you interested in our Special Offer?

We are offering 5 new mums the chance to come and join us for one full week of training for FREE. This offer expires Wednesday 2nd of May. Simply email Ange to find our how to register or head to our pricing page to grab your free pass.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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