23W Members Spotlight: Sharon Sparks 23

23W Members Spotlight: Sharon Sparks 23

23W Members Spotlight: Sharon sparks

By Ange Drake

While Shaz is off travelling around Europe, we want to acknowledge her recent success in our upskill winter challenge!

Sharon won our muscle gainer award, putting on 1.9kg of muscle while dropping 4.9% body fat. Sharon is an OG in our community and was the previous winner of our Me in 23 challenge held in the Summer. We love working with this legend, who has mastered the basics and understands everything in balance for a full and happy life.

Muscle is our most precious resource for women, and we love helping our community build and maintain it!

Are you ready to join our NEXT CHALLENGE?

Early bird enrolments close October 1st 2023. Register below for a call back.

How long have you been working with 23W?

about 2.5 years

What got you started on this journey?

Wanting to feel healthy and energetic

What was your biggest challenge at the start?

Routine with exercise and food

What was your initial goal?

Body fat loss and routine with meal prep within calorie target

What result did you achieve?

Loss of body fat, increase in muscle and some good foundations in food routines

How have you changed?

Feeling better in my clothes, stronger in my body, and more in control of my food.

What was your biggest challenge going through the process?

Making time for meal prep, not letting emotions dictate food intake, social outings

What were your biggest learnings?

Going to work out when you don’t feel like it always pays off. I always leave feeling better. I’ve gained a good idea of a number of meals that are easy to prepare and fit into my daily food intake

How would you describe your journey?

Over the past 2.5 years its been challenging. There have been some tough times where i couldn’t even think about working out or organising meals, but I felt like I was ready to take charge of my life and that mindset change really helped.

What was it like working with the 23W and the other girls in the community?

Always great! All the trainers are approachable, non-judgemental, understand everyone is on a different journey and everyone is backing you.

What’s next for you?

Continue in my new habits to achieve my long term goals of losing more body fat, building strength and feeling good!

Anything else?

Thanks 23W team for all your support, fun and inspiration.




Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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