7 Commandments Of A Great Training Buddy

By Ange

Want to know the most common reason why women love 23W?

It’s the community! We attract like minded women who are on a journey to thrive.

And the research in the area of socialisation and fitness is conclusive… you are more likely to stick it out if you have a community or someone else to keep you accountable. Irregardless of your current gym membership, finding a like minded other will go a long way to help keep you on track, inspired and focused on your goals.

As someone who normally trains by herself, I believe there is an unwritten code when you are training with a partner (even if it is just your trainer).

Working out with a good partner can go far in keeping you on track and making progress. Your training buddy will keep you accountable, keep you wanting to show up for every session, push you for another rep and encourage you to move up in weight as you should.

Eventually the honeymoon period of a new fitness routine will wear off but having the right training buddy might be the difference in helping you to stay on track.

So what is the code? Here are our 7 commandments of a great training buddy.

1. I will show up on time for every workout and if I can’t avoid missing one, I will avoid missing it twice.

2. I won’t let my training partner get out of a workout easily. I will reject any excuses that are short of an actually emergency or COVID-19, I will check in on them weekly to see how they are going.

3. I will come to the gym to train- not to chat. When we are working out, we focus on our workouts, we’re ready to cheer each other on and get our workout done efficiently! 

4. I will train hard and be a good example for my partner.

5. I will push my partner to do more than she thinks she can. It’s my job to motivate her to do more weight and more reps than she believes possible.

6. I will be forever supportive of my partner and compliment her regularly on her gains. 

7. I will ask my gym buddy to catch up properly for a coffee (or wine). 

Such a code might be cheesy, but if you and your partner agree to these six points, you’ll be helping each other more than you could imagine to get the most out of your time to train.

If you are interested in joining our group training program, we have a no obligation 7 day trial pass available through our website. 

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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