Not to be missed: Our 2022 23W Challenge Calendar!

Not to be missed: Our 2022 23W Challenge Calendar!

Not to be Missed... Our 2022 Challenge Calendar

By Ange

23W lives by our motto of ‘Wellness, Wisdom and Wonder’. 

We help women to learn how to lift properly and then offer the additional education needed to help them to continue to progress past being a novice. 

We love helping our members make small, powerful and long-term habit changes that make them stronger, more connected to their bodies and empowered in their lives. A positive tradeoff to these changes normally involves some pretty incredible body composition changes too.

We are the first to tell our members that for results to be sustainable, you need to follow a strategies that are sustainable too. Each year we run three ‘Challenges’ that help to springboard growth, change and motivation. Each challenge takes on its own focus and is scheduled at different times of the year. 

Our challenges are what you make it. Many women use them as a chance to kickstart weight loss or stimulate muscle growth as well as goals to find consistency and routine. 

This article is all about stepping out our 2022 Challenge Calendar, give you an overview of what is involved and a snap shot into some impressive previous results. 

Summer Reboot Challenge
7th February - 3rd April 2022

Get ready to start your year with a BANG.
This challenge is all about building the foundations for change by creating sustainable and healthy habits. Everything we do stems from ritual and routine, some serve us and our wellbeing and some do not. In our 8 Week Summer Reboot Challenge, we are going to give you the tools you need to unpack your ingrained habits, understand them and whether they serve your goals, and create new ones that do!

Together we will educate ourselves about a number of areas vital to creating a strong foundation for lasting and healthy change.
Over the 8 weeks you will:
  • Create better sleep routine that promotes complete rest, recovery and progress.
  • Understand nutrition strategies for ongoing success.
  • Clear a path towards success and eliminate the clutter that distracts you. 
  • Understand how movement outside the gym impacts body composition.
  • Develop a mindset where you can accomplish ANYTHING including set backs and barriers!
  • Become more mindful, less overwhelmed and less likely to suffer from self sabotaging behaviours. 
  • Find your ‘fun’ and lift like a BOSS. 

What is included?

  • 23W summer tee or tank
  • 2 x InBody scans (start and end of challenge)
  • Reboot challenge journal
  • Summer Recipe eBook
  • 23W Meal planner fridge magnet
  • Weekly check in’s 
  • Guided weekly focus areas and learning resources

Entry Cost

UP-SKILL WINTER Challenge 11th JULY- 4th September

What is involved?

Simple is alway better. This challenge we are focusing on the simple skills of meal preparation and nutritional strategies to fit your daily life. Your results, whether they be muscle gain or weight loss, hinge on you having a sound nutrition plan you can execute consistently week to week.

Food is everything!

Each challenger will receive a 23W UP SKILL kit to help them become a serious meal prep ninja. We will help you find a system that will work for you and most of all, keep you motivated to stick with it over the 8 weeks.

What is included?

  • 23W winter hoodie
  • 2 x Inbody scans (start and end of challenge)
  • 23W app, web portal and forum access
  • Meal Prep Handbook
  • 23W Meal planner fridge magnet
  • Weekly check in’s 
  • Guided weekly focus areas and learning resources
  • Current Members (excludes training membership)

    Early bird: $75 (register before 27th June) Late Enrolment: $100 (from 27th June)

  • New Members (includes enrolment and training)

    Early bird: $392 (register before 27th June) Late Enrolment: $442 (from 27th June)

SprinG into Action Challenge 10th October - 20th November

What is involved?

This challenge is all about understanding the science behind training and movement, so that you can maximise your training results, and feel confident and empowered to take your results to the next level. 

There is a difference between training and working out. Training involves technique, exercise selection, progressive overload, and practice. Conditioning our functional movements and building strength and stability is important for our posture and mobility as we grow older, and the health of our bones and joints. Strength training has a huge array of benefits in all areas of our lives; physical strength, mental health, mental resilience, body composition changes, injury prevention, and reducing other health risks.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will be teaching you everything that goes into a training program so that you can determine your training structure, needs and processes to get the biggest bang for your buck in the gym. 

What is included?

  • 6-Weeks of unlimited training
  • 23W drink bottle
  • 2 x Inbody scans (start and end of challenge)
  • Challenge journal
  • 23W Meal planner fridge magnet
  • Huge high protein recipe database
  • Weekly accountability and 1-1 check in’s 
  • Guided weekly focus areas and learning resources
  • Current Members (excludes training membership)

    Early bird: $75 (register before 16th September) Late Enrolment: $100 (from 17th September)

  • New Members (includes enrolment and training)

    Early bird: $294 (register before 1st September) Late Enrolment: $349 (from 1st October)



Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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