The 23W Project: Our first 6 episodes!
Set yourself up for success

By Dee

The 23W Project is our very own podcast to empower and educate the women we serve to thrive with wellness, wisdom and wonder. Ange & Dee are on a mission to share evidence-based information that teaches women how to lift weights confidently, maximise their training results in the gym, nourish their bodies, and develop a growth mindset to realise anything is possible!

We have just wrapped up our first 6-week block with all the foundational information you need to set yourself up for success – inside and outside of the gym. 

This lined up with our current 6-Week Spring Into Action Challenge, and the feedback we have received has been incredible!

If you haven’t tuned in yet, check out the links below and be sure to let us know your thoughts, as well as other topics you would like hashed out on The 23W Project. 

EPISODE ONE: why don't women get results in the gym?

In our very first episode, Ange and Dee jump straight to the core of why women don’t get the results from their training. Feeling stuck is frustrating! 

We unpack 5 common reasons why women might feel like they are just spinning their wheels… but fortunately, improving in each area is not as hard as you think!

EPISODE TWO: The science of getting stronger

In this episode we break down the science of getting stronger. Understanding what actually happens within the body to build strength, muscle mass, and lose body fat is important so that you can align your training regime, performance goals and nutrition to support this. 

EPISODE three: Practical tips to improve your sleep and how stress affects your recovery

In this episode we talk through why sleep is so important, why it often becomes the last priority, and what hormones are contributing to your energy, motivation, and cognitive function.


EPISODE four: protein 101 - the missing link between training and results

In this episode we cover the basics on why it is SO important to increase your protein intake when you start training, how much is enough, whether protein timing is a deal breaker, and some really practical tips on how to measure and increase it.


EPISODE Five: Breaking it down and putting it together - what is good programming?

There are lots of ways to put together a training ‘program’, but if you have been that woman who has gone to the gym only to feel lost… This episode is for you. 
We chat through some basic programming variables that underpin a good program and will ensure you are making progress, rather than staying the same.


EPISODE Six: Creating long-term success - evaluate, refine, repeat!

There are a few key principles to follow in order to build consistency and create progress in your results that will make them sustainable! In this episode we break it down and provide practical tips (and lots of encouragement) to guide you towards a solid routine and mindset.



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Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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