The Simple Things Done Consistently = Results Over Time

By Ange

Nutrition for weight loss can be seen as a complicated game of rules and self discipline. If you have ever tried to lose weight and failed, there is a good chance you have faced some barriers to your success. In reality, getting sustainable and realistic results is not that hard. But it does take consistency, education and possibly unlearning some diet myths that are standing in your way.

Our upcoming 8 week ‘Up-skill’ challenge will be focused on helping our challengers nail simple nutrition principles and develop skills to overcome the roadblocks that undermine their results.

How will this challenge be different

If you have done a 23W challenge before, you know we are all about quality education while keeping systems and processes accessible and easy to follow.

1. Increased challenger accountability through the use of our new 23W app. Our newly launched 23W app will ensure maximal support through two-way messaging with the coaching team and ability to track daily habits that are important on the road map to success.

2. Weekly live Q and A sessions with the 23W team. These sessions will be filmed live and shared with the group for playback. We will be deep diving into important topics, addressing common barriers, sharing powerful insights and responding directly to questions posed during weekly check ins.

3. While training and exercise is important, this challenge will be mostly focused on nutrition. We will be covering everything from how to find a meal prep system that works for you, how to overcome emotional eating, how to eat out socially without spiralling out of control, what a well balanced meal looks like and soooooo much more.

If this sounds like something you need right now, be sure to enroll as a new member or existing member. Our challenges only happen 3 times throughout the year, with limited space for newbies.

Some common barriers

In the meantime, there are some common barriers we like to address first when someone comes to us to see a transformational change in their body composition.

Not knowing where to start…

Many women already do A LOT of things well in their fat loss attempt but it can be a little overwhelming knowing where to start. To see weight loss occurring, we need to move into a caloric-restriction phase, but feeling hungry can be uncomfortable and scary. It is important to feel empowered and satisfied (rather than uncertain or deprived). Some things that help this include:

  • Increasing protein and fiber intake
  • Changing meal frequency and setting a more defined meal timing schedule.
  • Practising mindfulness and awareness around eating.
  • Learning what is in the food you are eating.

Letting go of stupid diet rules that are holding your back…

Many women think they need to be super strict to get results. In actual fact, to get sustainable results, its might be time to loosen the reins a little bit and include a little bit more soul food or food you love. This might help you to be more compliant to your diet in the long run.

Ability to troubleshoot around why you might not be losing weight…

A weight loss plateau is not a bad thing! It is a ‘necessary evil’ and part of the journey. These metabolic adaptations are normal. Having a coach can help you understand the role these play and how you can employ other strategies around diet breaks/re-feeds to raise your metabolic output.

You are in survival mode…

As a busy mum of two, it is important to note the effects of being fatigued and tired and how this can seriously impair results. You could be doing everything right and feel like you are spinning your wheels, getting more tired and weak. Some things that lead to this includes:

  •  Poor sleep quality and quality
  •  Dieting too aggressively and for too long
  • Not having an adequate macro split

If any of the above points resonate, or you want to know more, be sure to get in touch with us so we can help you on your journey.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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