UpSkill q and A Wrap Up

By Ange Drake

Another 23W Challenge comes to an end!

A BIG congratulations to all of our Upskill 8-week Challenge participants for putting in the hard work, developing healthy food habits, and reaping the rewards. We are so proud of what our members have achieved in this short period. 
Over the 8 week journey Dee and Ange got together to chat at length about our learning area of the week, troubleshoot challenges and answer important questions from our challengers. If you have not listened to these weekly instalments, they offer tremendous insight into what it takes to get results, stay consistent and accountable. 
It is not too late! You can watch them all back below!
Happy listening!

Week 1: Unpacking Meal Prep

Meal planning is a critical skill to help you put your nutrition strategy into action.

Week 2: Balanced Meal

Watch this video to hear Ange and Dee unpack why a balanced meal is so important and learn how to tune into your hunger cues.

Week 3: Overcoming Barriers

Changing your eating habits is hard. Even when we start with a clear intention and clear ‘why’, we tend to face the same hurdles time and time again.

Week 4: Intuitive Eating

Watch this video to hear Dee and Ange unpack what intuitive eating is, how to tune into your inner food dialogue, whether to stop tracking using MFP and why 8 week’s is just part of the journey!

Week 5

Listen in on Dee and Ange chatting about the importance of self care, having a game plan when out socialising and great tips around snacking!

Week 6

Watch this Q and A! Ange and Dee go DEEP in chatting about how the small things add up over time as well as LOTS of strategies that can help you reduce calories without counting!

Week 8

Watch Ange and Dee chat about where to from here. We discuss all things reverse dieting, metabolic down-regulation and what it takes to get sustainable results.

Our founder

Ange Drake is an personal trainer, women’s empowerment coach and fitness blogger in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She is the director of one of the few womens’ only strength training gyms in Melbourne, 23W. Ange helps women to learn how to use strength based training, nutritional strategies and a positive mindset to transform their bodies, relationship with food and mind.

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